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  • Jennifer Lopes

    11 Errors made by interpreter are: first scenes she did not do pre session, she was taking a notes, she was interpreting too fast, she was adding some information, she was not sitting in right position, patient said to interpreter do not tell doctor about medication she has not been taking, that was between her and interpreter, she was interpreting word by word.
    Things interpreter did right are: she did pre-session at front desk, she went introduce herself to patient, she did CEFF with patient, she said to doctor to hold a minute to interpreter everything well to patient so she can understand, interpreter was saying to the doctor what he said making sure she goes to interpreting it to patient correctly.
    Back to first scenes she did not do CEFF.

    in reply to: Week 8 – Discussion Board 2 #55125
    Jennifer Lopes

    An interpreters will be use I would say at Emergency Room or Doctors office. As interpreters have to be prepare for every eventuality, materials ready. Be prepare emotionally, physically.

    in reply to: Week 8 – Discussion Board 1 #55124
    Jennifer Lopes

    2 areas interested myself are Cardiology and Pediatrician. For interpreters I think the challenge is of course interpreting the one language to another, interpreters must have patient and concentration what they are going to interpreting, but I think challenge will be when interpreters are going to use certain medical terminology . Example: Angi means Vessel and Vaso means Vessel.
    Cardiology interested me because Im fascinated to learn and work with cardiology and understand how it works. and Pediatrician understand each step of development of children.

    in reply to: Week 7 – Discussion Board 2 #55114
    Jennifer Lopes

    Alveoli, also known as air sacs, are microscopic, ballon-shaped structures in the lungs that are essential for gas exchange during breathing:

    -Gas Exchange -Alveoli are the primary sites where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchange between the lungs and blood. When you inhale the alveoli expand,taking in oxygen-rich air. The oxygen then passes through the alveolar membrane and into the capillaries.
    -Inhalation- Alveoli expand, taking in oxygen from the air.
    -Exhalation-Alveoli shrink, releasing carbon dioxide.
    Alveoli are located in the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs, making up 90% of the lungs volume. For Alveoli top function efficiently, they need to be dynamic and stable.

    in reply to: Week 7 – Discussion Board 1 #55113
    Jennifer Lopes

    Skin is the largest organ in the body, protecting it from external elements. Skin consists of many layers, made of water, protein, fats and minerals.
    The Skin Main layers are: Epidermis, Dermis and Hypodermis.
    Epidermis- The outermost layer of skin, which protects the body from harm, keeps it hydrated, and produces new skin cells. It’s made up of three types of cells: Squamous cells, Basal cells, and Melanocytes. Squamous cells is called the Stratum corneum, which is continuously shed.
    The Stratum Corneum acts as barrier to keep bacteria and chemicals out ,also preventing fluids from escaping the body.
    Dermis-The middle layer of skin, which contains connective tissue, hair follicles, blood vessels,lymphatic vessels, and sweat glands.
    It also contains different glands, including sebaceous glands that produce sebum (body oil) ands apocrine glands that produce sweat.
    The Dermis protects the body from outside world.
    Hypodermis- The bottom layer of skin, which is also known as the subcutaneous layer. It’s made up mostly of fat and has many important functions,including storing energy,connecting the dermis to the muscles and bones, insulating the body , and protecting it from harm.

    in reply to: Week 6- Discussion Board 1 #55103
    Jennifer Lopes

    The male and female reproductive system differ in structure and function: Organs: The male reproductive system has organs both inside and outside the pelvis while female reproductive system is entirely within pelvis.
    Example, the male testes are in scrotum, which outside the abdomen, while the female ovaries are in pelvic cavity.
    The male reproductive system produces sperm or spermatozoa, while female reproductive system produces eggs or ova.
    In the female, the ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, which help woman develop and make it to have children.
    In the male, the pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone, which is needed for sperm production, and luteinizing hormone, which stimulates testosterone production.
    In women , the reproductive system includes the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus, the cervix, and the vagina.
    In Men, the reproductive system includes the prostate, the testes, and penis.

    in reply to: Week 5 – Discussion Board 2 #55093
    Jennifer Lopes

    Components of the Nerve Cell and importance of each one of them: Cell Body the core of the neuron, which maintains the cell and keep it functioning efficiently. The cell body contains the nucleus which controls cells activities and contain genetic material.
    Axon- A major branching fiber that looks like a long tail and sends messages from the cell.
    Dendrites- Numerous smaller branching fibers that receive input from other cells.
    Nerve Cells, also known as neurons, they are vital for communication throughout the body. they receive signals from different parts of body and sends them to the brain and brain sends commands to the body’s organs.

    in reply to: Week 5 – Discussion Board 1 #55092
    Jennifer Lopes

    Difference between Arteries and Veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and Veins carry blood towards the heart.
    Importance of 4 chamber of heart: two atria and two ventricles. The right atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.

    in reply to: Week 4 – Discussion Board 2 #55082
    Jennifer Lopes

    Medical Interpreters can use various techniques to improve mental retention, including memory exercises, notetaking and activity listening.
    Memory Exercises techniques like visualization, segmentation can help with technical vocabulary and interpreting multiple sentences at once. Memory execises should stimulate the interpretation process and alternate between languages.
    Notetaking can help interpreters remember information and quickly reference it.
    Active listening interpreters should listen both parties,capture emotions and tone and remain nonjudgmental.

    in reply to: Week 4 – Discussion Board 1 #55081
    Jennifer Lopes

    Because the interpreters need a good short-term memory to retain what he/she just heard and good long-term memory to put the information into context. Interpreting consists of presenting of presenting in the target language, the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker.
    All interpreters find this profession demanding and challenging.

    in reply to: Week 2 – Discussion Board 2 #55067
    Jennifer Lopes

    4 Chief roles of Medical Interpreter: 1-Message Conveyor/Conduit= A conduit is a means of transporting something from one location to another.
    Example: A water conduit examples takes water from one location and transport it to another. A good interpreter takes the whole utterance from one party and transfers it to other party without adding or subtracting.
    2 Message Clarifier= Once again the CHIA sets the standards of message clarifier interpreters acting in the message clarifier role are alert for possible words or concepts that might lead to a misunderstanding.
    Example: The interpreter may interject” The interpreter would like to say.”
    3 Cultural Broker/Clarifier= Another role we fill is that of cultural broker or clarifier. Quoting once more time from the CHIA “Cultures determines how people behave, make decision, communicate and interact with each other.” Culture and language are inseparable.
    Example: Interrupt the communication process with word, gesture, comments as appropriate.
    4 Patient Advocate= Interpreters can not/should not be responsible for everything that everyone does or does not do, But if they happen to notice something starting to go wrong bring it to attention of someone who can correct it before it becomes a problem.
    Example: Many immigrants may be unfamiliar with USA healthcare system services and their healthcare rights.

    in reply to: Week 2 – Discussion Board 1 #55066
    Jennifer Lopes

    Benefits of doing Pre-Session with Provider/Patient/Medical Interpreter. As a interpreter will need to make sure that all preparatory work is done before entering the room.
    Be Prepare for questions” what kind of appointment is this?”, ” What will I talk to provider about before entering the room?”
    As a interpreter arrive on the scene of doctor’s appointment, you are most cases, welcome sight to the patient.
    As a interpreter, you are representing the patient when you speak directly with provider and must be done quickly.
    I think to avoid a Pre Session is ask patient their health issue, because most of the time they are not comfortable to share it with medical interpreter or any medical field worker unless if they are doctors or RNs, that’s why as a medical interpreter you have to say your name and what will you be doing .
    I think Pre Session must be made every time because, as a medical interpreter you might have same provider most of the time but different patient with different health issue that’s why it is important do Pre Session all the time.

    in reply to: Week 1 – Discussion Board 1 #55065
    Jennifer Lopes

    HI Faisal! Thank You.

    in reply to: Week 3 – Discussion Board 1 #55060
    Jennifer Lopes

    I’m going to give an example: I work at salem Hospital so when patient does not speak english well, they use an interprters, to RNs. I’m going to say exective order 13166 is applied where I work, but I believe is applied in MA as well.

    in reply to: Week 3 – Discussion Board 2 #55059
    Jennifer Lopes

    Because medical terminology, most words came from greek and latin and the words came bfr and after help interpreters to understand what’s going on with patient so he or she can interpreter well to the provider.

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