Week 4 – Discussion Board 2

Welcome To Interpreters Associates, Inc. Forums Week 4 – Discussion Board 2

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    • #52509
      Avatar photoArt Liebl

      From the video, what are the techniques to good mental retention? Comment on the presentation you watched at Vimeo.com and what you thought about the ideas presented. Respond to two fellow students by Monday.

    • #55082
      Jennifer Lopes

      Medical Interpreters can use various techniques to improve mental retention, including memory exercises, notetaking and activity listening.
      Memory Exercises techniques like visualization, segmentation can help with technical vocabulary and interpreting multiple sentences at once. Memory execises should stimulate the interpretation process and alternate between languages.
      Notetaking can help interpreters remember information and quickly reference it.
      Active listening interpreters should listen both parties,capture emotions and tone and remain nonjudgmental.

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